Thanksgiving Message 2015
As you may know I try to write at this time of the year to catch you up on the news from the Tacoma Housing Authority (THA). Writing you is also a reflective moment for THA about the work we do together, its value and what it takes to get it done. It takes partners, colleagues and community members who share THA’s mission to make our communities places that households with low incomes can experience as “safe, vibrant, prosperous, attractive, and just”. This takes all of us: elected local, state and national leaders, their hardworking staff, public and private funders, lenders and investors, foundation and public program officers, architects, planners, builders, suppliers, construction workers, financial advisors, auditors, attorneys, grant writers, other housers, advocates, service partners, journalists, teachers and counselors, school district staff, police officers, community groups, unions, and neighborhood organizations.
On behalf of THA’s Board of Commissioners and staff, we hope your holidays are peaceful and meaningful.