Request for Proposals:

Physical Accessibility Audit

March 1, 2024

The submission period ended on March 29, 2024.

Notice of Award

We are pleased to announce, that as a result of our evaluation for the proposals received for the Accessibility Audit RFP, THA will be awarding contract to:

Direct Access

THA thanks you for your interest and we apologize for any delays in notification.

If you have any questions, please reach out to THA’s Contract and Procurement team at .

I. Introduction:

The Tacoma Housing Authority is seeking bids for a Physical Accessibility Audit

II. Schedule:

RFP Release Date3/1/20249 am PST
RFI Deadline3/22/20245 pm PST
RFP Submission Deadline3/29/20245 pm PST
THA evaluation period4/19/2024n/a
Notice of Award4/24/20245 pm PST
Anticipated Contract Start Date5/8/2024n/a

III. Background:

THA is seeking a qualified firm to support the implementation of a physical accessibility audit for three locations described below. We desire a firm that can audit for the principles of universal design as well as ADA standards and principles of Universal Design.


  • THA Main Office (“902”): Our primary offices and headquarters are located in the Hilltop neighborhood and is open to the public four days a week. This is a two-story 21,258 square foot building that comprises our main lobby where residents seek support, conference rooms, open floor plan office space, closed-door office space, as well as a common area. The THA Main Office is located at 902 South L Street.
  • Salishan Family Investment Center (FIC): Originally built in 1942 and redeveloped in 2001, Salishan is THA’s flagship property. The FIC is a 8,852 square foot one-story building that includes classrooms as well as work and gathering spaces for THA staff and residents. The FIC is located in Tacoma’s eastside at 1724 East 44th Street.
  • Bay Terrace Community and Education Center: Bay Terrace is a family property in the Hilltop neighborhood. The Bay Terrace Community and Education Center is a 6,925 square foot one-story building with a computer lab, management offices, and gathering spaces for staff and residents. The Bay Terrace Community and Education Center is located at 2550 South G Street.

IV. Proposed Scope and Deliverables:

Proposed Scope of Work:

  • Facilitate a project kick off meeting and on-going project management
  • Field an all-staff survey to gauge employee accessibility using universal design principles and ADA standards across three locations
  • Conduct a physical space audit of three locations against standards for universal design and ADA
  • If possible, we’d like for one or more individuals with different abilities to conduct a walkthrough of the three sites.
  • Conduct research on model practices that increase accessibility and / or apply universal design in public housing authorities or similar entities

Proposed Deliverables:

  • A Findings and Transition report that includes:
  • One section for each site
  • A summary of findings from the all-staff survey
  • A clear description of how each site adheres to the principles of universal design as well as Federal and state ADA standards
  • A matrix that clearly displays ADA and Universal Design standards along with whether / how each site meets them
  • Guidance and recommendations for how to meet accessibility requirements and opportunities with explanations of the benefits for achieving the various opportunities
  • Each site report shall describe the Title II 35.150(b) methods for meeting the accessibility requirements, giving priority to those methods that offer services, programs, and activities to qualified individuals with disabilities in the most integrated setting appropriate.

V. Desired Qualifications:

  • Experts in legal standards required to accessibility, especially for Washington state
  • Experts in concepts of universal design
  • Ability to provide clear guidance on how to apply universal design and ADA standards
  • Understanding of accessibility regulations from U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
  • Experience working with HUD and Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) properties
  • DOBE, WMBE, and / or local vendors encouraged to submit a quote

VI. Proposal Requirements:

For the proposals to be considered responsive, vendors should submit the following with their bid packet:

  • Cover Letter
  • Company Profile and Qualifications
  • Personnel Qualifications
  • References
  • Completed Contractor/Vendor Intake Form – Exhibit C
  • OMWBE Certification if applicable
  • MWBE Self Attestation if applicable
  • Project Costs

VII. Evaluation Criteria:

Complete Proposal Packet20 pts.
Cover letter10 pts.
Company Profile and Qualifications20 pts.
Personnel Qualifications10 pts.
References10 pts.
OMWBE certified businesses
If not certified, a self-attestation must be completed that vendor is a MWBE business (form attached)
10 pts.
Project Costs20 pts.

VIII. Proprietary Proposal Material:

Any records or materials submitted to Tacoma Housing Authority become public records under Washington State law (see RCW Chapter 42.56, the Public Disclosure Act).

IX. Exhibits to RFP:

Contact Information:

If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact THA’s contracting team at .  Thank you for your interest.