Take Extra Precautions to Prevent Heat Related Injuries
It’s gonna be hot! The National Weather Center issued a heat advisory for Puget Sound through Saturday. Please take extra precautions to prevent heat illness!
Cooling Stations for People and Pets
County and City facilities are open as cooling stations. Community members can hang out at libraries and other public facilities to get a break from the heat. Local malls, large stores, and movie theaters are other places to cool down.
The following locations allow domesticated pets to come in with their owners to get out of the heat. Pets need to be on a leash or in a crate and owners must provide water if they plan on being in the facility for long periods of time.
- Petco: hours may vary store to store.
- Petsmart: 9 am – 9 pm, Mon – Sat., and 10 am – 6 pm on Sun.
- VCA (Veterinary Centers of America): Pacific Animal Hospital Pac Ave, Pacific Ave. S., Open 24 hours.
Reduce the Risk of Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke
- Stay indoors and in an air-conditioned environment as much as possible.
- Drink plenty of fluids but avoid beverages that contain alcohol, caffeine or a lot of sugar.
- Eat more frequently but make sure meals are balanced and light.
- Never leave any person or pet in a parked vehicle.
- Avoid dressing babies in heavy clothing or wrapping them in warm blankets.
- Check frequently on people who are elderly, ill or may need help.
- If you might need help, arrange to have family, friends or neighbors check in with you twice a day throughout warm weather periods.
- Make sure pets have plenty of water.
- Cover windows that receive morning or afternoon sun.
- Keep a few bottles of water in your freezer; if the power goes out, move them to your refrigerator and keep the doors shut.
The City of Tacoma and Washington State Department of Health offer additional tips for staying cool and avoiding heat illness. Heat advisories in multiple languages are available at Washington State Department of Health’s website.