THA is affiliated with the following associations or organizations:

Association of Washington Housing Authorities (AWHA)

AWHA is an association of Public Housing Authorities in the State of Washington serving its member agencies and through them all Washingtonians. Its activities serve the following purposes:

  • Support the viability and vitality of local housing authorities.
  • Improve operations effectiveness.
  • Professional growth and development for directors and management.
  • Mutual support and problem solving.
  • Influence public policy with an emphasis at the state level
  • Increase the public’s understanding of housing needs and solutions.
  • Assist the local HUD office in introduction and refinement of programs.

Council of Large Public Housing Authorities (CLPHA)

CLPHA is a national nonprofit organization that works to preserve and improve public and affordable housing through advocacy, research, policy analysis and public education. CLPHA’s 60 members represent virtually every major metropolitan area in the country; on any given day, they are serving more than one million households. Together they manage almost half of the $90 billion asset that is public housing, and administer 30 percent of the Section 8 housing assistance program. They are in the vanguard of housing providers and community developers.

National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO)

NAHRO is the leading housing and community development advocate for the provision of adequate and affordable housing and strong, viable communities for all Americans, particularly those with low and moderate incomes. Its members administer HUD programs such as Public Housing, Section 8, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME funds.

National Association of Residential Property Managers (NARPM) – Pierce County Chapter

The Pierce County Chapter of NARPM was established in 1992 for the purpose of:

  • Establishing a permanent professional association in the residential property management industry in the Pierce County geographical area.
  • Promoting a standard of business ethics, professionalism and fair practices among its members.
  • Establishing and promoting education of its members.
  • Providing and promoting an exchange of ideas regarding residential property management.

The chapter has has maintained an active membership of over 43 local property managers.

Rental Housing Association of Washington (RHAWA)

The Rental Housing Association of Washington represents nearly 5,000 independent rental owners, managers, investors, and vendor members across the State of Washington. RHAWA strongly advocates that rental housing is a valuable asset to communities and provides grassroots mobilization for the purpose of advocating at the state and local level.

Tacoma/Pierce County Affordable Housing Consortium

The Tacoma/Pierce County Affordable Housing Consortium (TPCAHC) is an association of organizations providing or developing housing for low and moderate income households. AHC is working to expand the opportunities for nonprofit corporations and our community to produce, finance and manage affordable housing. Programs include training, technical assistance, networking, and community education.

Washington Multi-Family Housing Association (WMFHA)

WMFHA is the Washington state chapter of the National Apartment Association, a collection of residential property management companies, managers and owners of multifamily properties, apartment communities, and industry supplier companies working together to promote and advance the multifamily housing industry in Washington. 

Washington State Low Income Housing Alliance (WLIHA)

The Alliance is a coalition of organizations and persons in Washington State working to address the state’s affordable housing crisis.