THA is home to a workforce of dedicated staff who carry forward the mission of serving the greater Tacoma community and delivering high-quality, affordable housing for those most in need.

THA is continuing to make strides to be a great place to work. In a 2023 survey, staff gave THA a rating of 4.15 out of 5.

Staff Demographics

RaceCity of TacomaTHA HouseholdsTHA Staff
American Indian and Alaska Native1.0%1.7%0.6%
Black or African American10.1%28.5%17.9%
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander1.7%2.2%1.1%
Two or more races14.1%5.1%8.4%
Some other race3.3%
Did Not Disclose16.9%14.5%
EthnicityCity of TacomaTHA HouseholdsTHA Staff
Hispanic or Latinx (of any race)13.3%8.1%13.4%
Not Hispanic or Latinx86.7%91.9%85.5%

City of Tacoma data from the 2022 American Community Survey. THA data as of December 2023.

PopulationBIPOCWhiteNot Specified
THA Households50.3%34.914.8%
THA Staff48.6%50.3%1.1%
THA Managers54.8%40.5%
THA Households73.2%26.8%
THA Staff58.1%40.2%1.7%
THA Managers54.8%40.5%4.8%
THA Staff, 202170 (44.0%)89 (56.0%)
THA Staff, 202278 (47.3%)87 (52.7%)
THA Staff, 202387 (49.2%)90 (50.8%)
THA Managers, 202117 (34.7%)32 (65.3%)
THA Managers, 202220 (45.5%)24 (54.5%)
THA Managers, 202316 (38.1%)26 (61.9%)
THA Staff, 2021101 (63.1%)57 (35.6%)2 (1.3%)
THA Staff, 202296 (58.2%)67 (40.6%)2 (1.2%)
THA Staff, 2023104 (58.1%)72 (40.2%)3 (1.7%)
THA Managers, 202133 (67.3%)14 (28.6%)2 (4.1%)
THA Managers, 202228 (63.6%)14 (31.8%)2 (4.5%)
THA Managers, 202323 (54.8%)17 (40.5%)2 (4.8%)

Staff Tenure

THA offers staff an opportunity to grow, with dozens who have spent more than 10 years at the agency. Several long-time THA staffers have been promoted to managerial positions as well.

We have also seen an increase in the number and percentage of new BIPOC staff. This increase helps increase the overall diversity of THA.

RaceLess Than 5 Years5–10 Years10–20 Years20 Years or More
American Indian and Alaska Native1
Black or African American18932
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander2
Two or more races852
Did Not Disclose20123
EthnicityLess Than 5 Years5–10 Years10–20 Years20 Years or More
Hispanic or Latinx18123
Not Hispanic or Latinx8839226
GenderLess Than 5 Years5–10 Years10–20 Years20 Years or More
Manager StatusLess Than 5 Years5–10 Years10–20 Years20 Years or More

Staff Turnover

THA set a goal to reduce turnover below 25% and, ideally, equal to or better than state and local trends, and to see no disparity in turnover amongst historically marginalized staff.

YearAsianBlack or African AmericanNative Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderTwo or More Races (Not Hispanic or Latino)WhiteDid Not Disclose
20211 (12.5%)5 (16.7%)04 (33.3%)19 (21.3%)1 (5.6%)
20222 (22.2%)9 (29.0%)3 (100%)2 (15.4%)19 (21.8%)7 (33.3%)
202303 (9.4%)1 (50%)1 (6.7%)14 (15.6%)3 (11.5%)
“American Indian or Alaska Native” and “Did Not Disclose” not shown (no turnover during this period)
YearHispanic or LatinxNot Hispanic or Latinx
20211 (5.9%)29 (20.4%)
20226 (28.6%)35 (24.3%)
20232 (8.3%)20 (13.1%)
202120 (19.4%)10 (18.2%)
202231 (31.6%)11 (16.9%)
202315 (14.3%)7 (9.6%)
202120 (18.0%)10 (20.4%)
202231 (25.6%)11 (25.0%)
202317 (12.4%)5 (11.9%)
YearTHA (all staff)Washington State Government jobs (OFM)Total US State & Local Government Jobs (BLS)