The Tacoma Housing Authority operates its properties and programs in compliance with HUD policies and guidebooks, its Moving to Work Plan, and the Housing Authority’s own policy documents.

Moving To Work

In 2010, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development selected the Tacoma Housing Authority to be a Moving to Work (MTW) agency.

MTW status is valuable for THA and its clients, because it allows THA flexibility in how it operates programs to better meet the needs of Tacoma’s particular community.

Among the advantages of MTW are that it:

  • Allows more flexibility in how we spend federal monies
  • Allows THA to give incentives to families with children where the head of household is working, seeking work or is preparing for work
  • Provides ways for THA to increase housing choices for low-income families
  • Helps us to reduce costs and achieve greater cost effectiveness in federal expenditures

Each year, THA must submit an MTW Plan to HUD for approval of any activities for which it plans to use its MTW flexibility. At the beginning of the following year, THA must also submit an MTW report detailing the results of those activities.

Housing-Related Policies

THA has two main policy documents that guide the operation of its housing programs:

  1. Administrative Plan – This plan governs the operation of the Housing Choice Voucher Program.
  2. Admissions and Continued Occupancy Plan (ACOP) – This plan governs the operation of the Public Housing Program.

These plans establish policies for the administration of THA’s Housing Choice Voucher and Public Housing programs according to HUD regulations and guidelines. The Administrative and ACOP Plans clarify the requirements of the programs and ensure compliance with THA’s Moving to Work Demonstration Program. Because of this, THA must amend these plans each year so that they reflect the current MTW policies.

Lease & Property Management

Community Impact Reports

Our community matters to THA, and the work of THA matters to our community. To better understand how our work impacts the Greater Tacoma Community, we have created these annual community impact reports.