Any person requesting a public record is encouraged to make the request by filling out the Public Records Request form.

Public records will be available for inspection at our main office during regular business hours. Please make arrangements to review or claim records within 30 days of notice that the records are available; otherwise, we may close the request.

Exempt Records

Under the Public Records Act (RCW 42.56) and other statutes, some types of public documents are exempt from public viewing and copying. If only part of a record is exempt, we will redact the exempt portions before providing the document.

THA will not disclose lists of individuals for commercial purposes.


We do not charge for the staff time spent in locating a public record or for making a record available for inspection. The law allows THA to charge for the actual costs connected with copying public records, including the staff time spent making copies.

Delivery Method/MaterialsDescriptionCost
Paper copiesPhotocopies or printed electronic copies15 cents/page
ScansRecords scanned into electronic format10 cents/page
Online deliveryRecords uploaded to email, cloud storage service, or other electronic delivery system5 cents for every four electronic files
Electronic transmissionRecords transmitted in electronic format or for use of agency equipment to send records electronically10 cents/gigabyte
USB/DiscsDigital storage media or device (e.g., USB, CD, DVD)Actual cost
Mailing materialsAny container or envelope used to mail copiesActual cost
PostagePostage or delivery chargesActual cost
Customized serviceCustomized service if THA estimates that the request would require the use of information technology expertise to prepare data compilations, or provide customized electronic access services when such compilations and customized access services are not used by THA for other agency purposes. THA will not assess a customized service charge unless it has notified the requestor of the charge to be applied to the request, including an explanation of why the customized service charge applies, a description of the specific expertise, and a reasonable estimate of the charge.Actual cost
THA Policy G-15, section 7.12

Pursuant to RCW 42.56.130, these costs do not supersede any fees authorized by statutes other than Chapter 42.56 RCW. Depending on the request, more than one type of charge may apply.

Because THA is prohibited from lending its credit, a requestor must prepay the estimated cost for any copies that must be made by an outside vendor.