Food Pantry at E.B. Wilson

E.B. Wilson Apartments 1202 South M Street, Tacoma

Bikers Against Statewide Hunger (BASH) offers grocery-style items such as fresh produce, canned food, and dry goods to anyone in need in the community. Exact times vary. Check the community […]

Food Pantry at Wright Ave

Wright Street Apartments 602 South Wright Avenue, Tacoma

Bikers Against Statewide Hunger (BASH) offers grocery-style items such as fresh produce, canned food, and dry goods to anyone in need in the community. Exact times vary. Check the community […]

KBTC End-of-Year Celebration at Bergerson Terrace

Bergerson Terrace Community Room 5303 S Orchard St., University Place, WA, United States

End of school year program celebration with pizza, cupcakes, games, and prizes. KBTC kids helps children in our communities reach their full potential with in-school, out-of-school, and at-home opportunities through […]

Event Series Tuesdays at the Bay

Tuesdays at the Bay

Bay Terrace 2550 S G St, Tacoma, Washington

Stop by Bay Terrace each Tuesday for one of our weekly programs, or a cup of coffee! Tuesdays at the Bay includes free employment and education resources for adults and […]

Juneteenth at Bay Terrace

Bay Terrace 2550 S G St, Tacoma, Washington

Juneteenth tenant led event with a tenant led BBQ.  Will also have guest speakers, games and prizes. Greentrike Youth will be registering youth ages 6–14 for summer program during the […]