In 2010, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development selected the Tacoma Housing Authority to be a Moving to Work (MTW) agency.
MTW status is valuable for THA and its clients, because it allows THA flexibility in how it operates programs to better meet the needs of Tacoma’s particular community.
Among the advantages of MTW are that it:
- Allows more flexibility in how we spend federal monies
- Allows THA to give incentives to families with children where the head of household is working, seeking work or is preparing for work
- Provides ways for THA to increase housing choices for low-income families
- Helps us to reduce costs and achieve greater cost effectiveness in federal expenditures
To view the different ways that MTW is used across the Puget Sound region, please see KCHA, SHA and THA’s joint Moving to Work brochure:
Moving to Work Plans
Each year, THA must submit an MTW Plan to HUD for approval of any activities for which it plans to use its MTW flexibility. The annual Moving to Work Plan is an opportunity to document THA’s MTW activities in effect, share any upcoming changes which would require additional HUD waivers or authorizations, and communicate how we plan to use our MTW single source funds.
Our activities focus on the three statutory objectives of the MTW program: achieving greater cost effectiveness; increasing economic independence and self-sufficiency among the families served; and increasing housing choices for low-income households.
Moving to Work Reports
THA must submit a report at the beginning of each year, detailing the results of the activities laid out in the previous year’s MTW plan.
Moving to Work Agreements
Below are the agreements with HUD that allow THA to be an MTW agency: