We are now offering two main waitlists for housing help. You can apply for a unit in our affordable properties, or a voucher to help pay the rent in Tacoma. You can choose the type of assistance that fits your needs best, or you can apply for both.

How to apply

To apply for THA’s waitlists, you first need to register an account on our applicant portal. Note that you’ll need an email address to create your account.

If you already have an account, just log in and select the “Apply to Waiting Lists” option to start your application.

You can find step-by-step directions on applying to the waitlist through the link or video below.

Keep your application up to date

After you apply, you will need to log in monthly to check in and keep your spot on the waitlist(s). Make sure you keep your contact details and household information up to date as well.

At the start of every month, you will see a “Save My Spot” tile when you log in to the Applicant Portal. You must complete the “Save My Spot” activity before the 25th of each month to confirm that to want to remain on the waitlist(s). If you do not log in and save your spot, you will be removed from the waitlist(s).

You also need to update us if you need to add or remove people from your household, or if anyone becomes disabled. This may impact the type of assistance you qualify for.

If you joined the previous THA waitlist before November 2024, you will be served before we make offers of assistance to households on the new waitlist.

Make sure to create an account in the Applicant Portal and keep your contact details and household information up to date. You can also use the portal to check your status on the waitlist.

You may be removed from the waitlist if we are unable to contact you. In that case, you can apply to join one of our new waitlists at any time.

We no longer give an estimated wait time for households on our waitlist, and the wait times for smaller households may be longer due to availability of units. See the waitlist FAQs for more information.