Applying to the Waitlist
How do I apply to the waitlist?
To apply to a waitlist, you will need to create an account in our applicant portal. You need an email address to register and create your account. After registering in the Applicant Portal, you’ll be able to apply for our waitlists.
What waitlists can I apply to?
THA has three waitlists that anyone can apply to:
- The Housing Choice Voucher Waitlist is for households that would like a voucher to find housing on the private rental market.
- The Family Property Waitlist is for households that would like to apply for a unit at the following THA properties: Bay Terrace, Bergerson Terrance, Dixon Village, Hillside Terrace, Salishan, and the Rise at 19th.
- The Senior/Disabled Property Waitlist is for households that qualify as senior or disabled and would like to reside at the following properties: 6th Avenue Apartments, E.B. Wilson Apartments, Fawcett Apartments, G Street Apartments, K Street Apartments, Ludwig Apartments, and Wright Street Apartments.
Note: These properties only have 1-bedroom units.
How can I find out if I’m eligible for a Senior/Disabled Property?
A senior household is one whose head, spouse, co-head, or sole member is 62 years of age or older.
A disabled household is one whose head, spouse, co-head, or sole member is a person with disabilities, which is verified by collecting Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or a Physician’s Certificate of Disability.
Eligibility will be verified once you are selected from the waitlist.
How will I know if I’m on the waitlist?
When you log in to the Applicant Portal, you will see a tile labeled “Waiting List Status.” Click on that tile to see which waitlists you have applied to and whether you are “On List” or have been removed.
Applicants are removed from a waitlist if they have not responded to THA communications or have not completed the monthly online check-in to confirm their interest in remaining on the waitlist through Save My Spot (see What is Save My Spot? in the section below).
How can I fix an error or update my application?
Once you apply, it will take 24–48 hours for us to approve your application. After your application has been approved, you can log in to the Applicant Portal and make changes to your application.
Can I change which waitlists I’m on after I apply?
Yes. You can log in to the Applicant Portal and apply to any additional open waitlists. If you no longer want to be on a specific waitlist, you can remove yourself from any waitlist when you check in to Save My Spot each month.
How the Waitlist Works
I’m on the waitlist(s). Now what?
Use our online Applicant Portal to keep your contact details and household information up to date. You must also update us if you need to add or remove people from your household or if your contact information changes.
We require everyone on the waitlist to log in once a month to make sure they still need housing assistance. Between the 1st of the month and the 25th of the month, you will see a tile labeled “Save My Spot” when you log in to the Applicant Portal. You must click on that tile to confirm you would like to remain on the waitlist; otherwise, we will remove you from the waitlist. Once you have saved your spot, the tile will disappear until the next month.
It is very important that you update your application to reflect any changes to your household composition and contact information while you wait for assistance. If we are unable to reach you, or if your household size is inaccurate, your name will be removed from the list.
What is Save My Spot?
Save My Spot is a tool that THA uses to make sure everyone on a waitlist wants to remain on the waitlist. We require waitlist applicants to check in monthly by using Save My Spot to confirm they still need housing assistance.
When you login to the Applicant Portal between the 1st and 25th of the month, the Save My Spot tile will appear. After you have confirmed that you want to remain on the waitlist(s) or have requested to be removed from a waitlist, the Save My Spot tile will disappear until the next month.
I’m homeless and need housing immediately. What should I do?
If you are currently homeless, call 2-1-1 or visit to connect with Coordinated Entry. Coordinated Entry serves people who need immediate assistance with housing.
Sign up to be notified when other public housing authorities open their waitlist. Other nearby housing authorities include Pierce County Housing Authority, King County Housing Authority, Seattle Housing Authority, Bremerton Housing Authority, and Housing Authority of Thurston County.
Where am I on the waitlist?
Waitlist applicants are not placed on the waitlist in a particular order. Instead, THA uses a random lottery to pull households from the waitlist. As a result, we are not able to provide an estimate of when you may receive housing help.
The most important thing to do is to keep your address (if you have one) and your contact information updated for when your name is pulled from the waitlist.
What happens when my name gets selected from the waitlist?
THA will contact you to complete the process. This will involve eligibility verification to ensure you still qualify for assistance.
As part of the verification, you will need to provide the following documentation:
- Current, valid driver’s license or state ID for all adults in your household
- Birth certificates for all minors in your household
- Social Security cards for all household members
- Applicable income verifications
We strongly recommend that you begin collecting these documents if you do not currently have them. Once you are selected, you will have a limited amount of time to submit the required documents.
When I am selected from the waitlist, am I guaranteed to get housing assistance?
No. When you are selected from the waitlist, we check to make sure you are eligible under our program rules. Incomplete applications are not accepted.
Our Housing Programs
What type of housing help is this waitlist for?
THA’s waitlists are for two types of housing help: Tacoma Housing Authority owned apartments and a Housing Choice Voucher, commonly known as Section 8.
Tacoma Housing Authority (THA) Apartment
Our affordable housing properties include several apartments and townhomes that we own throughout Tacoma. Some of our apartments are for households with or without children, others are for senior/disabled households.
- Where you live: If you rent a THA apartment, we will offer you a specific apartment at one of our properties. You do not get to choose where to live. We do this so we can house people quickly.
- Subsidy amount: At THA apartments, your portion of the rent is based on your household income. Typically, a household pays around 30% of their income toward rent.
- Time limit: There is no time limit for the assistance at THA apartments. Under present rules, you can stay in the unit as long as you need it and remain eligible. If you want to move, your housing subsidy does not go with you.
Housing Choice Voucher (HCV)
The Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) helps low-income households pay the rent each month to private landlords.
- Where you live: You can use your Housing Choice Voucher to rent an apartment on the private market anywhere in Tacoma.
- Subsidy amount: The amount of rent you pay with a Housing Choice Voucher is based on your household’s annual income. If your household income goes up, your share of the rent will increase at your next recertification (recertifications usually happen every two to three years). If your income is reduced, contact THA so that we can verify the change in income and recalculate your portion of the rent.
- Time limit: There is no time limit for the assistance you receive with a Housing Choice Voucher. Under present rules, you continue to receive assistance as long as you need it and remain eligible. You can move with a Housing Choice Voucher.
Learn about our types of housing assistance in more detail.
If I get offered a THA apartment that I do not want, can I turn it down?
When you are selected from one of our THA property waitlists, you will be offered the first available unit that you qualify for. You cannot choose which property or unit you are offered, and if you turn down the offer, but you will be removed from the waitlist. You can reapply to the waitlist at any time, but if you are selected again, you will again be offered the first available unit.
If you would like a greater choice over where you rent, we recommend applying to the Housing Choice Voucher Waitlist.
Other Questions
How long will it take to get housing with THA?
It is very hard to say how long you will wait for an offer of housing assistance. We do know that 1- or 2-person households that are not senior and/or disabled often have a longer wait if they want a THA unit, because most of our 1-bedroom apartments are set aside for senior/disabled households.
I’m homeless now. What do I do? Where can I go if I need immediate housing?
Our waitlist is not a way to get emergency help. Even if you are selected from the waitlist, it may take months before you secure housing.
If you are homeless now in Pierce County, call 2-1-1 or visit to connect with Coordinated Entry, who can refer you to other community resources.
What is Coordinated Entry?
Coordinated Entry is the best way to find out about most homeless assistance programs and receive assistance in Pierce County.
I’m already on the waitlist but need to update my information, add or remove a household member, or remove my household from the waitlist. Where do I go?
Please update your application by logging in to our Applicant Portal.
I have a question that hasn’t been answered. Who can I ask?
Please contact us at (253) 207-4400 or email