In every tenancy, the landlord, like THA and the tenant, has important rights and responsibilities. Most of these are the same as those that apply in unsubsidized tenancies. 

The owner has the right to: 

  • Set reasonable rules about tenant behavior and use of the unit and common areas. 
  • Require a security deposit.
  • Receive payment of rent in full and on time. 
  • Require the tenant to refrain from damaging the property. 
  • Take legal action to evict a voucher holder for lease violations. 

The owner has the responsibility to: 

  • Screen prospective tenants and determine whether they would be good tenants.
  • Maintain the property in good condition. 
  • Provide the prospective tenant with information about lead-based paint in the unit. 
  • Complete needed repairs within a reasonable time. Complete emergency repairs within 24 hours. These include no hot or cold water, heat, electricity or a condition which is imminently hazardous to life. 
  • Give the tenant 48 hours notice before entering the unit, except for emergencies. 
  • Comply with Washington State Landlord-Tenant Law.
  • Comply with the lease and Housing Assistance Payments Contract. 
  • Send THA a copy of any written notices or communications he has had with the tenant, especially about lease violations. 
  • Submit requests to THA for rent increases in writing at least 60 days before the participant’s anniversary date and to notify the tenant of the request. 

Fair Housing Information

Pierce County offers information on the standard guidelines for Landlords and Building Managers.