Two projects by the Tacoma Housing Authority also will continue: the Arlington Drive Campus for Homeless Youth and Young Adults (at South 38th and Portland) and The Rise on 19th (at South 19th and G Street). The contractors on the projects, Korsmo and Marpac, are adhering to social distancing requirements.
THA executive director Michael Mirra said the two projects are exempt from Inslee’s order as low-income housing projects that are publicly financed.
We are watching all this carefully, both projects are financed with investor equity from the federal Low Income Housing Tax Credit program (LIHTC). In normal times, that program imposes important deadlines to get the projects built and occupied. Normally, if you miss those deadlines, you lose this financing. So we hope we do not face that prospect or, if we do, the federal government will grant some flexibility.
Michael Mirra | Executive Director, Tacoma Housing Authority
Read the full article at Tacoma News Tribune.