Washington Counselors of Color Network
From website: The Washington Counselors of Color Network serves an array of ethnic clients needing counseling and therapy from providers who understand the specific needs of people of color and various cultures. As licensed therapists and counselors, we have a variety of backgrounds, experiences, ethnicities and language skills needed to assist many ethnicities in Washington.
Mi Centro
From site: We are a community-based non-profit that works with Latino and Indigenous Native families. Explore our website and learn more about our educational programs, crisis intervention, family outreach services, Arts & Culture programming, or join our advocacy efforts that address the concerns and opportunities for our families and community.
Fair Housing Center of Washington
From website: The Fair Housing Center of Washington is a nonprofit agency dedicated to providing fair housing education, outreach, and enforcement services to the residents of western and central Washington. We focus on advocacy, education, complaint investigation, and community development planning.
Tacoma Urban League
Services in the areas of middle school transitions, pregnancy and childhood, pathways for young adults, career/financial coaching, and business support services.
Northwest Immigrant Rights Project
Northwest Immigrant Rights Project promotes justice by defending and advancing the rights of immigrants through direct legal services, systemic advocacy, and community education.