
Emergency Preparedness

November 3, 2022

Personal emergency preparedness is the responsibility of renters.

Emergency Contacts

Sign-Up for Emergency Alerts

PropertyAddressOffice PhoneEmergency Assembly Area
6th Avenue2302 6th Avenue
Tacoma, WA 98403
(253) 682-2859Fenced Courtyard
Bay Terrace(253) 625-5026Your family’s designated meeting place and/or away from danger
Bergerson Terrace5303 South Orchard Street
Tacoma, WA 98467
(253) 448-2783Your family’s designated meeting place and/or away from danger
Dixon Village5420 South Stevens Street
Tacoma, WA 98409
(253) 448-2783Playground
E.B. Wilson1202 South M Street
Tacoma, WA 98405
(253) 682-1223Safeway Parking Lot
Fawcett Avenue3201 S Fawcett Avenue
Tacoma, WA 98418
(253) 682-1223South Alley
G Street401 North G Street
Tacoma, WA 98403
(253) 682-0027G Street Sidewalk
Hillside Terrace2330 S G Street
Tacoma, WA 98403
(253) 682-6207G Street Sidewalk
K Street911 North K Street
Tacoma, WA 98403
(253) 682-1223K Street In Front of Main Entry Door
Ludwig5425 South Lawrence Street
Tacoma, WA 98409
(253) 448-2783North Parking Lot (by church)
Wright Avenue602 South Wright Avenue
Tacoma, WA 98418
(253) 682-2859Wright Avenue Sidewalk Near Main Door

Emergency Procedures

Be aware of general emergency guidelines at our properties:

Building Evacuation

  • Pull the Alarm or yell “Evacuate!” Get out when alarms sounds. Don’t use elevators in fire.
  • Note locations of people who can’t leave and tell emergency personnel.
  • Report to designated assembly area or your family’s designated meeting place.

Options for the mobility impaired:

  • Shelter near an exterior window so you are accessible to responders.
  • Call 911. Tell them you are trapped in a burning or collapsed building.
  • Give address and exact location in building. Signal for help at window with sign or cloth.


  • Drop, cover and hide under a table or desk or against an inside wall. Do not stand in a doorway.
  • After the shaking stops, check yourself and others for injuries and move toward the nearest exit.
  • Evacuate the building.
  • Go to designated gathering area and check in with building staff or emergency responders.


  • Activate nearest fire alarm.
  • Use a fire extinguisher if safe to do so.
  • Call 911.
  • Evacuate the building.
  • Do not use elevator.
  • If you can’t get out of your apartment, stuff wet towels or sheets around the door and vents to keep out smoke. Open a window and wave a bright cloth to signal your location.
  • Do not re-enter building until authorized person gives OK.

Medical Emergency

  • Call 911.
  • Determine the type of emergency to inform emergency responders.
  • Tell the person emergency help is on the way and ask if they need anything.

Power Outage

  • Turn off lights and electrical appliances except for refrigerator and freezer.
  • Unplug computers and other sensitive equipment until power is restored.
  • Help others in darkened areas move to safe locations.
  • Never use gas ovens, ranges, barbecues or propane heaters for indoor heating — they create carbon monoxide that can cause suffocation.
  • Do not use candles. Use battery-powered lights.
  • Stay away from downed power lines.

Severe Weather

  • Find shelter.
  • Have flashlights and portable radios available.
  • Stay alert and awake. Listen to weather radio or television for warnings
  • Be prepared. Ensure you have emergency supplies.
  • Remain calm and monitor conditions until all clear.

Suspicious or Threatening Person

  • Do not let any person into the building, unless they are with you.
  • Do not physically confront the person.
  • Do not block a person’s access to an exit.
  • Leave, hide or fight (as last resort).
  • Call 911. For nonemergency problems afterhours, call THA Security

Prepare in Advance

  • Make a Go Bag, a family plan and 14-day food supply.
  • Preplan your evacuation route and assembly area.
  • Subscribe to FEMA and City of Tacoma alerts.
  • Personal emergency preparedness is the responsibility of residents.

Other Resources

Emergency Procedures By Property
