Households who qualify for minimum rent can request a hardship exemption if they are unable to pay their rent. (THA’s Moving to Work plan sets a minimum monthly rent of $25 for senior/disabled households, and $75 for households that are not senior or disabled.)
Hardship exemptions are temporary. The maximum time period will be six consecutive months, and a family can receive only one hardship exemption every two calendar years, beginning with the effective date of the hardship.
During the hardship exemption period, the family’s monthly subsidized rent portion will be reduced to zero. At the point the exemption ceases, the family will be responsible to pay the calculated tenant rent portion or the minimum rent for the household, whichever is higher.
All families who are approved for the hardship exemption will be referred to a community advocate who will provide support in regaining employment and/or receiving benefits for which they qualify.
To find out if you qualify for a hardship exemption, please contact your Housing Specialist, Property Manager, or Property Specialist.
If you do not pay minimum rent but have experienced a reduction in income, you can submit a Change of Circumstance request to see if your portion of the rent can be reduced.