THA has two policies that govern an applicant’s and a tenant’s right to appeal a decision, the Grievance Policy and the Moving to Work Hardship Policy.
THA’s Grievance Policy
THA’s grievance and hearing policies are located in both the Administrative Plan (governing the Section 8 and HOP assistance programs) and the Admissions and Continued Occupancy Plan ACOP (governing the Public Housing Program) which can be found under THA’s Housing-Related Policies.
THA’s Administrative Plan Chapter 16 covers the informal review and hearing processes for the Section 8 program.
Chapter 14 of THA’s Admissions and Continued Occupancy Plan (ACOP) covers grievances, appeals and informal hearings.
THA’s Hardship Policy
Under the Moving to Work (MTW) program, THA must establish hardship policies to address hardships created by the rules implemented under the program. The MTW program allows THA to modify the traditional rules that govern the Section 8 and Public Housing programs. These changes in rules may adversely affect particular households and THA’s Hardship Policy offers limited relief in certain hardship situations. This policy is located in THA’s Moving to Work Plan.