Blog Post / January 12, 2024 Tacoma Housing Authority is Proposing Changes to its Waitlist THA wants to find a way for our waitlist to be more reflective of and responsive to the community’s housing needs.
September 24, 2021 Need for Housing Reports Impacts of Affordable Housing in Pierce CountyDownload Out of Reach 2017 Report – Washington…
April 14, 2021 Emergency and Transitional Housing If we are unable to help you at this time some of these resources below may be able to. Other Housing Resources Other Housing ResourcePhone…
In the News / December 18, 2020 What is a Community Land Trust? And could one help with Tacoma’s homelessness crisis? Allison Needles | Tacoma News Tribune Kathy McCormick, director of real estate development for the Tacoma Housing Authority, said people living in high-rent areas like Seattle and coming to Tacoma for…
In the News / June 25, 2020 It’s time for a homeless shelter in the North End. Race, power, wealth are preventing it Matt Driscoll | Tacoma News Tribune It’s the latest installment of a familiar argument, and Catherine Ushka has been through this before. The Tacoma City Council member from Tacoma’s Eastside knows all…