Welcome to Tacoma Housing Authority’s Small Works Roster Program (SWR). The SWR allows pre-registered contractors the opportunity to bid on small public works and improvement projects.

Register Your Business

THA uses the MRSC Rosters shared online database. To be eligible to work on projects using a roster process, you are required to register for free on MRSC’s website and select Tacoma Housing Authority in your account.

Please note for anyone bidding on THA’s projects, there are two prevailing wage requirements, Federal Davis-Bacon and State wages. The prevailing wages will depend on the property location and funding for that property. The appropriate prevailing wage will be included during the bidding process.

You can also view THA’s current contracting opportunities not associated with the Small Works Roster in our list of Current Bids and Proposals.

We look forward to your participation in the program and we welcome your feedback.

For registration questions, please contact MRSC Rosters at mrscrosters@mrsc.org or call (206) 436-3798.